Autumn Treasures

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 9:28am

This week we have enjoyed exploring Autumn and the treasures it brings. The story Leaf Man has inspired us to create our own leaf pictures, transient art and story maps.

We have enjoying sharing the Autumn treasures that the children have been collecting as part of home learning, talking about what they found and where they found them. We explored if different Autumn treasures sink or float and used Autumn treasures to create repeating patterns.

We have learned what Autumn looks like in different parts of the world, through the story SEASONS, and discussed the different animals you would see.

We have learned lots of new sounds this week and are becoming more confident with oral blending day by day.

We have used our imaginations to pretend that there is lava under the bridge and sharks swimming in the sea in our outdoor area and collected all of the chairs in class to create a bus that takes us to the beach when playing inside.

The children have also enjoyed collecting helicopter seeds, throwing them as high as they can and watching then spin back down to the ground. It’s been a lovely week filled with seasonal exploration and imaginative play.ED2D4DB6-EB53-404E-8EEB-F33D50F81EF9.jpeg03284F4A-A845-486F-AE04-0A3DE589ECF7.jpeg