Breakfast and After School Club provision

(Available term-time only, for pupils of our school, in Nursery - Y6.) 

Breakfast Club hours -  Monday to Friday  -  8am - 9am (£4.00 per session).

After School Club hours - Monday to Friday - 3:10pm - 5pm (£6.00 per session).

                                                                          3:10pm - 6pm (£7.50 per session)

Sutton Oak CE Primary School is now offering both breakfast and after-school-club provision on a term-time only basis.  Bookings should be made by our Parentpay app. Bookings should be made by 2pm on a Friday, to attend the following week. Numbers are restricted, so early booking is recommended.

Please ensure that you read the clubs Terms and Conditions, and submit the Parent Contract before accessing the clubs. Pupils will not be able to attend unless a signed contract has been returned to school.

ParentPay Clubs - How to book a session – Parent Support (

Contact Us

Sutton Oak C.E. Primary School

Goodban Street, Sutton,
St Helens, WA9 3QD

Business Manager - Mrs J Palin

Tel: 01744 678690
Fax: 01744 678692


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