Our Local Church

All Saints Church
We are a friendly and welcoming Church of England parish church and here at All Saints we cherish Sutton Oak our church school.

Our main worship takes place on Sunday mornings at 11.15. Our Sunday services are a mix of traditional Holy Communion services, as well as occasional festival services and All Age services, which are especially popular with families who have young children. Whenever you visit though, you will be sure to find a loving welcome, and a place to worship God.

On Wednesdays we hold a Book of Common Prayer (traditional style) service at 10.30am, this is usually a Holy Communion service, though occasionally we meet for Morning Prayer. After Wednesday morning services we hold our weekly coffee morning at 11am, with lots of cheese on toast and other light refreshments available and plenty of people to sit and chat with. 


We also have a regular termly Fayre, Big Breakfast mornings and Bingo - please keep your eye on the board outside the church for details of these events as they happen.

Other activities include:
Beavers - a uniformed Boys group (leading to cubs and then Scouts as they get older) involving organised activities, camp, and working for badges in varous skills. This takes place on a Wednesday evening from 6.00pm and is for boys aged 5-7 years.

Gentle Exercise - chair based exercises for those wanting to exercise gently on a Monday afternoon

All Saints Toddler Group - A wonderful time for toddlers and their carer to be together within church.  The crafts and activities, song and prayer are all based on a bible story that we explore together.  It is on every Thursday morning from 9am during term-time.  Come straight from school after dropping off your older children.

For further details of our church services or activities please contact our Parish Office, Eaves Lane, Sutton, St. Helens, WA9 3UB. Office Hours are 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Monday – Friday, Telephone 01744 813841
