Ethos Group

Meet our Ethos Ambassadors


Our Ethos Ambassadors are a group of Key Stage 2 children who help to plan and lead worship, organise prayer spaces and uphold our Christian Values in their day-to-day school life.

Below you can see some examples of the work they have been doing.


Christmas Worship

Today Ethos Group 2 led worship in KS2 on the theme of Christmas, which they planned and put together themselves. They did an excellent job and helped us to remember the true meaning of Christmas. 



The Value of Service

Today it was good to be part of our worship which was led by our newly-appointed Ethos Group

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The children talked about the value of service and told us the story of the lame man who was healed by Jesus. His friends had to lower him down through the roof of a house to see Jesus and be healed.

We thought about how we could serve God and others in the things that we do and the way that we live.

The children then made promises to serve each other and the school through their work in Ethos Group.

Here are some of the promises they made.

"I will serve you by showing all our Christian values and being kind to others"

"I will serve you by speaking up for you and putting your ideas forward"

"I will serve by helping to develop and maintain God's Garden"