
Curriculum Leader: Miss Robinson


Why our English curriculum looks like this:

Learning to read, write and speak with confidence are vital skills for our pupils to master during their time at Sutton Oak CE Primary School. We recognise that quality teaching and learning in English is an essential tool for the development of all our children and particularly for those that are ‘disadvantaged’ or have SEND.

Our English curriculum should engage, enthuse and excite children with the aim of developing confident, creative and inspired learners who value the importance of literacy skills now and later in life. We will attempt to instil a desire to be readers and writers for both pleasure and purpose.

Our whole school curriculum should be connected in a meaningful way and it is our desire to develop reading, writing and listening skills across the foundation subjects. The teaching of English should provide opportunity to embed our Christian ethos throughout learning to show respect, perseverance and resilience.




The teaching of reading is a high priority across school. We recognise the importance of using a synthetic phonics program and at Sutton Oak we use the RWI program from the Foundation Stage upwards, to equip our children with the phonic knowledge needed to help them to read and write. 

When the children have progressed through the RWI program, teaching staff use 'real' texts to teach guided reading. The aim of this is to enrich the children with language and develop their love of reading. 

Reading at home

We have also introduced 'Reading through the Rainbow'. This is an initiative to promote and encourage children to read at home. 



The teaching of writing is also a high priority across school. To ensure that children are equipped with the basic skills needed to help them to write, children have daily SPaG and English lessons. Staff also ensure that the children are provided with writing opportunities in other areas of the curriculum, to allow them to transfer the skills taught during SPaG and English lessons. 

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