
Collective Worship

Collective Worship takes place daily across the school. Reception and Key Stage 1 meet in the infant hall while KS2 meet in the junior hall. Worship follows the timetable below:


Collective Worship


Collective Worship


Singing Worship


Collective Worship


Celebration Worship


The focus of worship follows a timetable of Christian and British values, set out in the document below. These are developed during the time allocated and then evaluated in class groups to allow pupils to reflect on their learning, before moving on to a new focus.

Worship is opened by two volunteers, who lead the children and staff in the words below.

All: Let us be silent, let us be still, as we gather together to worship.

Leader: Jesus your spirit is always with us.

All: Jesus we are always with you.

Daily worship will often involve:

  • A story linked to the value (from the Bible or another source)
  • Discussion around the theme and its significance in Christian teaching
  • A hymn with actions led by the children
  • Prayers
  • A time for reflection on the value and its relevance in our everyday lives


Although specific time is allocated for reflection as part of Collective Worship, pupils and staff are encouraged to take time for quiet contemplation and reflection at other times in the school day, when this feels appropriate and beneficial.




Prayers are also said in classes before lunchtime and at the end of the school day. These are often led by the children.


Worship Areas

God’s Garden

God’s Garden is located in a quadrangle within the Key Stage 2 building. This is an area where members of the school community can go if they need time to think, reflect or pray. God’s Garden has benches, plants and a wooden cross as a focal point for children and staff who visit. The area is cared for by the Ethos Group and other members of the school community, who aim to make sure that it is an inviting space for those who wish to use it.

Watch this space! Ethos Group have some more ideas about how God’s Garden can be developed over the coming year.

Class Worship Areas

Each classroom has a dedicated Worship Area. This includes a cross, child-friendly versions of the Bible and prayers to be used at different points in the school day. Children often contribute to their class worship areas during worship evaluation time with prayers, personal thoughts or reflections.

Coming Soon!

Ethos Group are keen to create a ‘Prayer Post box’, where children can request time to pray with someone else about an issue important to them.


Celebration Worship – Awards

During Friday’s Celebration Worship the following awards are given:



Hall of Fame

Times Tables Trackers

Spelling Trackers

Reading Through the Rainbow

Values leaves


Writing Award (where appropriate)

Marvellous Maths

Christian Distinctiveness/Values in Action



Children are encouraged to be proud of their own achievements and the achievements of others. This is a time for children and staff to celebrate the hard work done in school and the values shown throughout the week/half term.


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