School Admissions

Our school admissions are part of a co-ordinated system of allocating school places across St Helens.  The admissions process and allocation of places is managed by the Admissions Section at St Helens Council.

We have two separate sets of admissions, one for Nursery and one for Reception.  Below you will find more information about each.




Children are eligible for a nursery place at the beginning of the term after their third birthday.  The start of the terms are usually September, January and April.

Application forms for places are usually released by the Local Authority, togther with an online application system, well in advance of prospective start dates.



Children usually join the Reception class in the September following their fourth birthday.

Again, application forms/online system are released by the Local Authority, usually in the October before your child is eligible to start.

To help parents with the process and to ensure that deadlines are not missed, school operates a 'Waiting List' system, whereby we will take your details and when the appropriate application round opens, we will contact you with the relevant information.

Please be aware that having a place in our Nursery does not guarantee your child a place in Reception.  A separate Reception application needs to be made at the appropriate time.