People Who Help Us

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 12:23pm

It’s been another busy week in Reception. We have been learning all about people who help us and had visit from some very special guests, ‘Joanne and Linda’ who work very hard in the school kitchen preparing us delicious and nutritious dinners. They told us all about the job they do, including where the food comes from, where it is stored and how it is cooked.

We then learned about who helps us in emergencies, we learned how to draw plans to make emergency vehicles and then began making them. We have made fire paintings and collages. We have learned about who to call and what to say in an emergency and about the role of emergency call handlers. We have got into role as fire fighters, doctors and police officers. We have also performed a new song we learned about firefighters as a group.

The children have also enjoyed exploring the outdoors in all weathers, preparing delicious meals in our mud kitchen, just like our school cook. We have enjoyed building dens, setting up camp and collecting Autumn treasures. We have learned about the composition of number three this week and used natural resources that we found outdoors to explore this further.

In our daily phonics lessons we have learned five new sounds and been practising oral blending and segmenting, using magnetic whiteboards to help us. The children are really enjoying putting into practise what they have been learning and we have seen so many children writing this week as they have made notes/cards for their family and friends and also labels for their creations.

Next week we will further explore Autumn, using the stories ‘Leaf Man’, ‘The Leaf Thief’ and ‘Tidy’
