The Three Little Pigs

Date: 24th Sep 2022 @ 6:59pm

This week in Reception our learning has been led by the story 'The Three Little Pigs'.

We have enjoyed using our imagination to build houses from lots of different materials of all shapes and sizes, developing both our fine motor and gross motor skills.

We have investigated the materials used by the three pigs and tested which material was the strongest, by blowing them just like the Big Bad Wolf.

We have learned about different types of homes, what materials they are made from and how they are different to our homes. 

We have also been learning how to be terrific tool users as we have used 'junk' to create models of homes, making decisions about the best way to join materials and what junk what be best suited for each part of our house.

In Maths we have become subitising masters and enjoyed playing different games to help us and we have also been mastering writing our names. 
Each activity has been filled with chatter, whether it be getting into role as a character from the story, or talking about what they are making next and what they're going to do next. 

Next week we spend the week exploring 'What makes me, ME!' with many more exciting learning opportunities planned.
